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Magnifico Delta-8 THC Bev

Magnifico Delta-8 THC Bev

Regular price $100.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $100.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Extra sessionable, low dose of Delta-8 THC, this slightly bitter, low carbonation Chinotto beverage is classier than a seltzer yet drinkable as hell.'s only 10 calories per can!

Flavor Profile: Italian bitters, grapefruit
Delta-8: 7mg
Carbonation: less than a seltzer, more than a flat

Alcohol is boring, messy, and kind of a waste. 

Is getting so sloppy you don't remember anything after the Maid-of-Honor speech really a good time? Is getting wrecked with coworkers on a Tuesday truly all that a "fun culture!" entails? Are we sure that house parties, happy hours, and shows wouldn't be a lot cooler if we ditched booze in favor of something a little more...interesting??

We made Magnifico for those starting to suspect alcohol is kinda lame, but who don't want to awkwardly nurse bubblewaters for 4 hours while everybody else gets sloshed.

This has real buzz in it. 

Unlike CBD (which, ok!), Delta-8 actually gets you buzzed, so you can party without pretending.

A friendlier sensation than regular THC, D8* won't make you a couch-locked zombie, or too in your head to be social. It's all party, no problems.

Buy some so you can see for yourself if we pulled it off--if we did, you get to unlock Cali Sober Excellence, and if we didn't you can make fun of Reilly for delusions of grandeur (and text him for your money back, which, y'know, he's totally good for it...eventually).


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